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Our product lineup consists of three main products which are available off-the-shelf with less than thirty seconds time required to deploy on your existing systems and networks. All our products leverage your existing tools and use our cloud-based systems to present you with a unified view of your entire network. Configuration files and sensitive data are always stored locally on your systems so you never have to worry about password disclosures or security breaches affecting our cloud systems. Our zero configuration technology and mesh networking platform ensure no issues with deploying our systems on existing firewalls and security infrastructure. Redundancy is built in and we can leverage diverse systems and platforms to ensure fault tolerant and reliable job scheduling.
ssm Shaper System Manager
System Manager is our basic product which allows the control of dozens of servers with different operating systems and applications through a simple, cloud based configuration interface. Ideal for small businesses with limited IT staff, System Manager allows you to handle basic system maintenance tasks without the need for extensive technical expertise.
pointer  Simplified configuration of servers with varying operating systems and applications.
pointer  Fast cloud-based model for setting up and deploying SSM - simply click and download on all servers to be managed with zero configuration required.
pointer  Extensive metrics and graphing tools - show problems as they arise and give advance notice of failures.
pointer  Low cost - Pricing starting at $9.00 per server.
pointer  Easy upgrades - simply add network manager or cluster manager as your networks grow.
pointer Built-in security and backup solutions. Check your security, show file changes and monitor backups automatically to avoid costly surprises.
scm Shaper Cluster Manager
Cluster Manager is our mid-range product which allows the control of clustered servers with the ability to synchronize and distribute jobs and data through a simple, cloud based configuration interface. Ideal for compute or storage clusters, Cluster Manager allows you to leverage your existing scripts and processes while increasing your productivity. It has all the features of SSM as well as :
pointer  Simplified configuration of clusters while leveraging your existing scripts and processes.
pointer  View and mointor the health of your cluster nodes from a single web-based interface.
pointer  Synchronize disks on different filesystems and operating systems with asynchronous replication technology.
pointer  Distributed job scheduling with atomicity and multi-master fault tolerance ensures your jobs get done on time regardless of node failure.
pointer Graphical or Textual interface for headless nodes.
pointer Automated log checks and alerts with fuzzy text matching to alert you of failures only when necessary and ignore irrelevancies.
snm Shaper Network Manager
System Manager is our high-end product which allows the control of multiple networks containing thousands of servers with different operating systems and applications through a simple, cloud based configuration interface. Ideal for large scale datacenters and networks, Network Manager allows you to handle large scale deployments with ease. It has all the features of SCM and SSM as well as :
pointer  Agent and Agent-less deployment with distributed shell technology and external checking for network routers and other embedded devices.
pointer Custom reporting with extensive interface customization to ensure your reporting screens report only what you need.
pointer  Distributed mesh technology for handling unidirectional networks including single or double-NATs and VPNs with multiple firewalls.
pointer  Fast deployment utilizing your existing scripts and network setups on multiple servers.
pointer  Increased security for your existing networks with automatic server filesystem checks, configuration versioning and backup monitoring.
pointer  Automated upgrades ensure that your servers are always up-to-date.
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